Yeovil Readymix

01935 479155

Screed Plant

01458 223923


We take our responsibility towards the environment very seriously

Environmental Policy

At S. Morris Ltd we care for the environment by ensuring all our products, equipment, vehicles and suppliers meet with current ‘Best Practice’ requirements.

We operate in accordance with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and BES 6001 to ensure that we meet with all current legislation and achieve our targets for continual improvement.

We recognise the importance of independently verified Responsible Sourcing Certfication, to provide customers with the assurance that they are sourcing materials responsibly and sustainably.

Our sister company Morris & Perry Ltd operate locally from their limestone quarry in the Mendips keeping transportation and handling of materials to a minimum. This is a more Environmentally efficient method of producing products than recycling.

All of our products and materials within the supply chain are selected with the environment in mind.

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